Have you suffered from muscle strain, sprains or a broken bone?, In these clinics of physiotherapy or professional physiotherapists, you can recuperate or rehabilitate if you have had an accident . The clinics of our business directory work with federations, mutual and insurance agents and they are specialists with methods of manual therapy for the prevention, treatment and recovery of a large number of patients with: Ultrasound. Hydrotherapy, radiation
Nowadays there are no Physiotherapist in the Alguazas's business directory.
Note: If you wish to advertise on Alguazas´s Business Directory, , send us an e-mail at publicidad@portaldemurcia.com
Use the following forum to deal with themes related to Physiotherapist in Alguazas; Clinic, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, recuperation, massages, Ultrasound. Hydrotherapy, radiations, treatment, etc.
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